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The article deals with the problem of identifying the border-lines among such notions as «endowment», «talent» and «genius». On the basis of the works of philosophers, psychologists and psychiatrists and also articles from foreign and Russian encyclopedic dictionaries, the author identifies the main characteristics of genius, distinguishing it from talent. This article presents the role of biological and social and psychological aspects in the emergence of a potential genius or extraordinary talent.

About the Author

Zh. I. Trafimchik
Gomel State Medical University


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3. Теплов, Б. М. Способности и одарённость / Б. М. Теплов // Психология индивидуальных различий. Тексты. - М.: МГУ, 1982.

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5. Ellis, H. A study of British genius / H. Ellis. - L.: Constable, 1927.

6. Orowan, E. The origin of man / E. Orowan // Nature. - 1955. - Vol. 175. - P. 683-684.

7. Prokop, L. Die Chromosomen der Sport - Amazonen / L. Prokop // Kosmos. - 1972. - Vol. 68, № 10. - Р. 443-446.

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For citations:

Trafimchik Zh.I. ENDOWMENT, TALENT, GENIUS: INTRODUCTION TO THE PROBLEM. Health and Ecology Issues. 2014;(2):140-145. (In Russ.)

Views: 296

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)