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Goal: the article describes a clinical case of tetany in a pregnant woman. Material and methods. The article deals with a clinical case of tetany in a pregnant woman, who underwent total thyroidectomy and radioiodine therapy. It also presents results of diagnostic procedures and differential diagnosis, monitoring of the dynamics of laboratory parameters. The article describes treatment of the patient during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum. Results. The causative factors for tetany were postoperative uncompensated hypoparathyroidism, increased physiological requirements for calcium in its low alimentary admission, endogenous calcium intake for myometrium contractions and ionic antagonism with magnesium, used for tocolysis. Conclusion. Rational clinical examination and individualized management of patients after surgical thyroidectomy makes it possible to prevent hypoparathyroid hypocalcemic complications in mothers, fetuses and newborns.

About the Authors

O. A. Teslova
Gomel State Medical University

T. I. Zhelobkova
Gomel State Medical University

H. V. Voronovich
Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital

A. U. Zakharova
Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital

D. V. Yevstafyev
Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital


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For citations:

Teslova O.A., Zhelobkova T.I., Voronovich H.V., Zakharova A.U., Yevstafyev D.V. . Health and Ecology Issues. 2014;(1):136-141. (In Russ.)

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