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The goal of research: to assess the toxicity of suture material based on polyamide with poly-p-xylylene coating. Material and method: Common polyamide suture material and that with poly-p-xylylene coating were studied. The acute toxicity of suture material was identified «in vitro». We used the methods of extracts effect on human erythrocytes and bull spermatozoids. The toxic effect of the polymeric material of surgery threads was studied on the extracts obtained on the third and tenth days. The results: The hemolytic test showed that the percentage of hemolysis in all the tests was less than 1 %. It indicates that the suture material has no hemotoxic effect of hydrolysis products. The cytotoxicity test on the livestock sperm cells revealed the toxicity index being 1, which indicates the absence of cytotoxicity of the suture material. Conclusion. The extracts from the polyamide suture and that with poly-p-xylylene coating have no hemolytic effect and do not have a toxic impact on the bulls sperm cells.

About the Author

D. N. Bontsevich
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Bontsevich D.N. TOXICITY OF SUTURE MATERIAL WITH POLY-P-XYLYLENE COATING. Health and Ecology Issues. 2014;(1):115-118. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)