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Objective: to study the topography of blood flow redistribution in dysplasias of the inferior vena cava (aplasia and hypoplasia) and to determine the dependence of the collateral development stage on a level and duration of occlusion. Material and methods: 24 patients with congenital pathology of the inferior vena cava (aplasia and hypoplasia) were enrolled in the study. The contrast enhanced computer tomography was analyzed in dysplasias of the inferior vena cava and the dependence of the collateral development on the level and duration of occlusion was studied. Conclusion. Two variants of the main collateral pathways of the retroperitoneum were singled out: the former with prior role of the ascending lumbar veins in patients with occlusion of the suprarenal section, total and subtotal aplasia of the postcava, the latter in the occlusion of the infrarenal section of the postcava, when the main ways of collateral outflow are left gonand-renal venous system with ascending lumbar veins.

About the Authors

E. A. Kliuy
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk

S. N. Tikhon
Municipal Clinical Polyclinic No.5, Minsk

V. M. Dechko
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk

E. V. Kryzhova
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk

V. F. Vartanian
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk

K. M. Kovalevich
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk

Ya. O. Kuznetsov
Municipal Clinical Polyclinic No.5, Minsk


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For citations:

Kliuy E.A., Tikhon S.N., Dechko V.M., Kryzhova E.V., Vartanian V.F., Kovalevich K.M., Kuznetsov Ya.O. COLLATERAL BLOOD FLOW IN THE RETROPERITONEUM IN DYSPLASIA OF THE INFERIOR VENA CAVA. Health and Ecology Issues. 2013;(4):88-91. (In Russ.)

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