
Health and Ecology Issues

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There are more than 6000 rare diseases. The low prevalence can create a number of problems including difficulties in obtaining timely, accurate diagnoses; lack of experienced health care providers; useful, reliable and timely information may be hard to find; research activities are less common; development of new medicines may not be economically feasible; treatment is sometimes very expensive. The encouragement of the relevant research and development of guidelines for better prevention, diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases are needed.

About the Authors

Zh. P. Kravchuk
Gomel State Medical University

O. A. Rumyantseva
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Kravchuk Zh.P., Rumyantseva O.A. ORPHAN DISEASES: DIAGNOSIS, PROBLEMS, PROSPECTS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2013;(4):7-11. (In Russ.)

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