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EXPRESSION OF MARKER GENES BY HEPATOCYTE-LIKE CELLS differentiated from mesenchymal stem cells


Objective: to investigate the expression of marker genes by hepatocyte-like cells differentiated from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Materials and methods. Wistar white rats, bone marrow MSCs, isolated hepatocytes of the rats were obtained by enzymatic perfusion of liver; differentiation of MSCs in hepatocyte direction; light microscopy; investigation of expression of genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results. The observed changes in the gene expression profile during the stages of differentiation indicate the presence of the cells differentiated into hepatocytic direction in MSCs culture. The expression of Carbox, Krt18, Krt19 Cyt1A1 genes depends on the composition of the medium and is not permanent and inducible in nature. It is important to go on searching for the molecular markers of MSCs differentiation in the hepatocytic direction. These results demonstrate the necessity to systematize the available data on the changes in the levels of gene expression during MSCs differentiation into hepatocytes to unify the conditions of assessment of the gene expression profiling.

About the Authors

A. G. Skuratov
Gomel State Medical University

D. R. Petrenyov
Gomel State Medical University

A. N. Kondrachuk
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Skuratov A.G., Petrenyov D.R., Kondrachuk A.N. EXPRESSION OF MARKER GENES BY HEPATOCYTE-LIKE CELLS differentiated from mesenchymal stem cells. Health and Ecology Issues. 2013;(3):105-110. (In Russ.)

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