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Objective: to evaluate the phenotypic changes of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in their differentiation in hepatocytic direction. Materials and methods. Bone-marrow MSCs; hepatocytes isolated by enzymatic perfusion of the liver; directed hepatocytic differentiation of MSCs according to the available and adapted protocols, light microscopy, evaluation of the functional capacity of hepatocyte-like cells to synthesize and accumulate glycogen. Results. The changes observed in the phenotype during differentiation stages indicate the presence of cells differentiated in hepatocytic direction in the culture. MSCs first gained a spindle-shaped phenotype, which then changed to a polygonal membrane with numerous appendages. The clusters of hepatocyte-like cells positive for glycogen were found. The presence of growth factors, differentiation media and allocated primary hepatocytes had a «stabilizing» effect on the culture of MSCs.

About the Authors

A. G. Skuratov
Gomel State Medical University

D. R. Petrenyov
Gomel State Medical University

A. N. Kondrachuk
Gomel State Medical University

Y. V. Voropayev
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Skuratov A.G., Petrenyov D.R., Kondrachuk A.N., Voropayev Y.V. PHENOTYPIC CHANGES OF MESENCHYMAL STEM CELL IN THEIR DIFFERENTIATION IN HEPATOCYTIC DIRECTION. Health and Ecology Issues. 2013;(2):134-138. (In Russ.)

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