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Aim: to estimate efficacy of prevention of microbial biofilm formation on titanium surfaces containing antibacterial coatings with different components, and to choose the optimum method of sterilization for implants with antibacterial coating. Materials and methods. The ability to prevent the formation of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa microbial biofilms was estimated for seven types of polymeric coatings. The sterilization efficacy of the physical methods for implants with antibacterial coatings was studied. Results. The study revealed the ability of complete prevention against microbial biofilm formation by composite coatings of polyurethane-ciprofloxacin, polylactide-ciprofloxacin and polyurethane-polylactide-silver-ciprofloxacin. It was shown, that the regimens of steam and air sterilization of the implants with polymeric coatings make it possible to reach sterility. Conclusion. The study showed the increased microbiological efficacy of the antibacterial coatings. The optimal regimen of steam sterilization (127 ºС, 30 minutes) not influencing the bactericidal activity of samples was chosen.

About the Authors

D. V. Tapalskiy
Gomel State Medical University

V. A. Osipov
Gomel State Medical University

G. N. Sukhaya
Gomel State Medical University

M. A. Yarmolenko
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina

A. A. Rogachiov
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina

A. V. Rogachiov
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina


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For citations:

Tapalskiy D.V., Osipov V.A., Sukhaya G.N., Yarmolenko M.A., Rogachiov A.A., Rogachiov A.V. BIOCOMPATIBLE COMPOSITE ANTIBACTERIAL COATINGS FOR PROTECTION OF IMPLANTS AGAINST MICROBIAL BIOFILMS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2013;(2):129-134. (In Russ.)

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