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EXPERIMENTAL MODEL of hemorrhagic shock


Objectives : to develop and substantiate a new original method of modeling hemorrhagic shock in small laboratory animals. Materials and methods. Hemorrhagic shock was simulated on 32 nubilous outbred male albino rats (experimental group). The control group contained 30 healthy animals. Persistent hypotension was caused by 35-40 % intracardiac intake of circulating blood volume, which is about 5 ml of blood. The blood was taken by 2 ml/100 g per minute. The clinical and laboratory parameters of the animals were determined 24 and 48 hours later, then morphological studies were conducted, as well as the results obtained were compared with the control group. Results. All the laboratory animals of the experimental group observed tachypnea and tachycardia. The indices of red blood test in the experimental group reflected severity of blood loss by a statistically significant decrease of red blood cells and hemoglobin concentration during 48 hours compared to those in the control group. Thus, we obtained complex morphological confirmation of developed hemorrhagic shock. Conclusion. The presented model of hemorrhagic shock is maximum similar to natural processes which appear under normal conditions. With the help of the original model we can study pathogenetic mechanisms of hemorrhagic shock development, as well as to investigate the effect of various drugs and methods of treatment on the pathogenesis of shock. The proposed experimental model is simple in the technique of its performance and does not require expensive material and technical basis and is economically advantageous.

About the Authors

S. L. Zyblev
Gomel State Medical University

Z. A. Dundarov
Gomel State Medical University

L. A. Martemyanova
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Zyblev S.L., Dundarov Z.A., Martemyanova L.A. EXPERIMENTAL MODEL of hemorrhagic shock. Health and Ecology Issues. 2013;(1):109-113. (In Russ.)

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