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Objectives: to analyze the number of stem cells in bone marrow and peripheral blood of mice, locomotor activity and heart weight of the animals in administration of resveratrol and candesartan cilexetil in different dosages and combinations. Materials and methods. Male C57Bl/6 mice and male Balb/C mice were used. Locomotor activity was studied using the «Opto-Varimex» measurements. We investigated the number of stem cells with CD117 phenotype (flow cytometry). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using Excel. Results. Candesartan reduces the locomotor activity of mice. The estimated parameters of motor activity corresponded to those of the control group in the combined introduction of sartan and resveratrol. Candesartan at a dose of 3 mg/kg and its complex with resveratrol at 10 mg/kg dose and at 50 mg/kg dose stimulate the formation of cells with CD117. Conclusion. The combination of the studied drugs is safe and effective in relation to the stimulation of stem cells formation in comparison with the monopreparation candesartan cilexetil.

About the Authors

A. V. Beliayeva
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry NAS of Belarus, Minsk

I. S. Dorofeyenko
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry NAS of Belarus, Minsk

A. K. Vlasenko
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry NAS of Belarus, Minsk

V. B. Sazanov
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry NAS of Belarus, Minsk

V. Yu. Afonin
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry NAS of Belarus, Minsk


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For citations:

Beliayeva A.V., Dorofeyenko I.S., Vlasenko A.K., Sazanov V.B., Afonin V.Yu. PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECT OF THE COMBINED APPLICATION OF CANDESARTAN AND RESVERATROL. Health and Ecology Issues. 2013;(1):74-78. (In Russ.)

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