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The purpose of the study : to evaluate the diagnostic value of molecular genetic markers in pancreatic cancer. Subjects. Data on patients with pancreatic cancer and patients with chronic pseudo tumor-like pancreatitis. The point mutations in K-ras gene were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR); the mutations in BRCA1, 2 genes were determined, the status of methylation of promoter segment of р16INK4A gene was analyzed. 67 % patients with pancreatic cancer and 63,6 % patients with chronic pancreatitis detected the mutant K-ras gene. 6,7 % patients with pancreatic cancer revealed the BRCA1 gene mutations in the heterozygous state, 13 % patients revealed the gene BRCA2 mutations. Diagnosis of the K-ras gene mutations in patients with pseudo tumor-like pancreatitis is conjugated with high risk of transformation of the pancreas to adenocarcinoma. 41 % patients with pancreatic cancer detected aberrant hypermethylation of р16INK4A gene, which is indicative of its aggressive genotype and poor prognosis.

About the Authors

T. M. Shpadaruk
Republican Research Center for Oncology and Medical Radiology named after N. N. Alexandrov, Minsk

R. M. Smolyakova
Republican Research Center for Oncology and Medical Radiology named after N. N. Alexandrov, Minsk

A. I. Shmak
Republican Research Center for Oncology and Medical Radiology named after N. N. Alexandrov, Minsk

E. V. Makarevich
Republican Research Center for Oncology and Medical Radiology named after N. N. Alexandrov, Minsk


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For citations:

Shpadaruk T.M., Smolyakova R.M., Shmak A.I., Makarevich E.V. EVALUATION OF DIAGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF MOLECULAR-GENETIC MARKERS IN РАNCREATIC ADENOCARCINOMA. Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(4):107-111. (In Russ.)

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