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THE MEDULLOBLASTOMA WITH VERTEBRAL HYPEROSTOSIS (a case report and brief literature review)


The article deals with a rare combination of the changes of spinal column (vertebral hyperostosis, hyperostosis with medulloblastoma, kidney anomalies e.g. horseshoe kidney) with an accessory lobe of liver which is unusual for a 25-year-old patient. The study presents а brief review of the literature containing the data on prevalence, etiology and the basic diagnostic criteria of the mentioned pathology.

About the Authors

A. M. Yurkovskiy
Gomel State Medical University

S. L. Achinovich
Gomel Regional Oncologic Dispensary


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For citations:

Yurkovskiy A.M., Achinovich S.L. THE MEDULLOBLASTOMA WITH VERTEBRAL HYPEROSTOSIS (a case report and brief literature review). Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(3):146-151. (In Russ.)

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