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Aim. To study the prevalence of genital HPV infection in HIV-positive women and their mutual influence, their manifestations and outcomes in co-infected HPV- and HIV-positive patients, including the period during their pregnancy and after the childbirth according to scientific publications. Material and methods. Present-day national and international research works on female HPV and HIV co-infection were reviewed. Results. The article presents the data on genital HPV-infection prevalence and characterization of HPV types in HIV-positive patients, the relation of HPV-infection with immune disorders, the effect of antiretroviral therapy on HPV persistence in genital tracts. The problems of HPV infection in HIV-infected pregnant women and HPV perinatal transmission were also considered in the work. Conclusion. HIV-positive women form a high-risk group for HPV infection. The development and implementation of algorithms for dynamic gynecological supervision in HIV and HPV co-infected patients will help to reveal and prevent cervical cancer prevalence and reduce its mortality. The examination of HPV and HIV co-infected pregnant and parturient patients will make it possible to prevent vertical transmission; determine the immediate and long-term outcomes for mothers and children, the prognosis of HPV- and HIV-associated diseases.

About the Author

O. A. Teslova
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Teslova O.A. CO-INFECTION WITH HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS OF HIV-POSITIVE WOMEN (literature review). Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(3):44-49. (In Russ.)

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