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Objective: to study the effect of sulfur dioxide on haemopoetic system of Аf line white mice. Material and methods. The object of the study is Af white mice (2,5-3 months) with mass of 22-28 g. The inhalation of sulfur dioxide (SO2) was conducted on the facility UIN-2M for 2 hours with the concentration of gas in the chamber SSO2 of 5 mg/m3. The morphometric parameters of erythron system were studied in the Af mice after the 2-hour SO2 inhalation. The methods of the study included hematologic, biochemical, immunological, and statistical. Results. Sulfur dioxide does not significantly affect liver and lungs mass. Spleen mass after SO2 inhalation did not differ from the control one on day 7, and on day 14 it significantly reduced by 18 %. MetHb level to days 7-14 after the SO2 inhalation on the mice was not significantly different from the control one (it had a tendency to increase by ~ 10 %). After the SO2 effect on day 4 there were no NMGO changes, but on day 7 the reaction was significantly accelerated by the parameter t1/2 by 20 %. By day 14 this trend persisted, in addition to reducing the lag phase, the acceleration of the reaction occurred at the expense of SMet/T increase, but without any significant differences. Conclusion. The carried out research showed that sulfur dioxide at the given concentration caused slight changes in hematopoietic system. The magnitude of the changes depended on the concentration and exposure time of the pollutant.

About the Authors

M. A. Chaikovskaya
Gomel State Medical University, Belarus

S. V. Goncharov
Institute of Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences, Gomel, Belarus


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For citations:

Chaikovskaya M.A., Goncharov S.V. EXPERIMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF SULFUR DIOXIDE AFFECT ON HAEMOPOETIC SYSTEM. Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(2):145-149. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)