
Health and Ecology Issues

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Materials and method. The study involved 1278 children aged from 10 to 18. The behavioral risk factors for the schoolchildren lifestyle and their rate were studied by the method of questioning. The statistical processing of the material was carried out using the software packages SPSS-13, SPSS-16 with comparative evaluation of the distributions according to the row of registration signs. Results. As a result of the research, it has been determined that 1.3 % of children of third and fourth forms smoke. The number of the average school-age children who tried smoking increases in 14 times with age (from 2,4 to 33,3 %; χ2 = 55,075, p < 0,001). In high school, 37,6 % schoolchildren smoke. The main reasons for smoking are «severe stress», «interest, curiosity» and «example and influence of friends». 24,5 % of primary school children tried alcohol. In the average school age the proportion of the children who tried alcohol increased twice (from 36,9 to 68,1 %; χ2 = 54,455 p < 0,001). And the girls were more likely to try alcohol than boys (55,1 and 45,7 %, respectively, χ2 = 3,746 p < 0,05). According to the questioning data, primary and middle school-age children first try alcohol when they are five, and high school-age children at age of seven. 1,6 % of high school-age children use energy drinks and beer, 0,2 % of the children drink wine, 0,5 % of teenagers drink ardent spirits daily. 8 % of the children drink beer and energy drinks, 1,2 %, drink wine, 2,1 % of the schoolchildren ardent spirits several times a week. 17,6 % of senior schoolchildren tried drugs and toxic substances. Conclusion. The results of the study indicate the necessity for the school psychologists and social workers to reconsider their methods of the early detection of children with challenging behavior and dysfunctional families for early intervention at school and family levels. At the same time, the received data indicate the need for systematic implementation of educational work among children and adolescents and their families to promote healthy lifestyles and habits of confrontation against psychoactive substance use starting from primary school age with the assessment of the effectiveness of the actions.

About the Authors

L. G. Soboleva
Gomel State Medical University

T. M. Sharshakova
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Soboleva L.G., Sharshakova T.M. HYGIENIC ASSESSMENT OF PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCE ADDICTION RATE AMONG SCHOOLCHILDREN. Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(2):139-145. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)