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Objective to develop a risk scale for development of intrauterine infections and algorithm to decrease perynatal infectious complications. Materials and methods. 51 puerperants (randomised research) were examined according to clinical reports. The factors of perynatal risk were evaluated in points. The levels of lactoferrin, a-IF and γ-IF IL-1β, RA-IL-1β (tests-systems «Vector-Best», Novosibirsk) were determined by ELISA method in the peripheral blood whey of the pregnant women. For the statistical analysis the methods of A.Vald, A. A.Genkin's and Coulbach formula were used. Results. The scale aimed at the forecast of perynatal infections realization and algorithm for its prevention was developed. Conclusion. The application of the forecast algorithm for perynatal infection realization and the early beginning of complex actions will improve the outcomes for a mother and the fetus.

About the Author

I. A. Korbut
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Korbut I.A. STRATEGY TO DECREASE THE RISK OF PERYNATAL INFECTIONS. Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(2):70-77. (In Russ.)

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