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Purpose: to define the most convenient for use at ultrasaund of lumbar spin anatomo-topographical reference points, and also to allocate variants of the anatomic structure, potentially capable to affect for efficiency ultrasaund examinations of structures of posterior ligamentous complex. Materials and methods: the publications containing the information on alternative anatomy of lumbar spin, found out in English-speaking resources PubMed, and also Russian-speaking editions are analysed Results. The most convenient are defined for ultrasaund examinations of lumbar spinanatomo-topographical reference points, potentially capable to affect variants of the anatomic structure are allocated for efficiency ultrasaund examinations of a posterior ligamentous complex. Conclusion. Completion methodically ultrasaund researches of frames of back stabilising complex taking into account the expressed topografo-anatomic variability of lumbar department of a column is required.

About the Authors

A. M. Yurkovskiy
Gomel State Medical University

O. I. Anikeev
Gomel Regional Oncological Clinic


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