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The treatment for diabetes mellitus (DM 2), aimed to achieve firm compensation of the disease on the indicators of fasten, postprandial and night glycemia, as well as glycohemoglobin (HbА1С) must include the participation of the physician and, first of all, the patients themselves. The most important principle of DM 2 etiotropic treatment is a changed lifestyle that includes dietotherapy and physical activity mode. They are prescribed to all DM 2patients without exception since the moment of diagnosis and until the end of active life in any scheme of medical DM 2 treatment, but requires a lot of patients` effort. The DM 2 treatment is concentrated on patogenetical section: to overcome insulin resistance and stimulate endogen insulin secretions, but in case of its exhaustion, substitutive insulin therapy is used. All antidiabetic medicines are divided into three main groups: insulin sensitisers used for insulin resistance; secretagogue which stimulate insulin secretion and insulines.

About the Author

M. P. Kapliyeva
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Kapliyeva M.P. MODERN MEANS AND APPROACHES TO TREATMENT FOR DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2. Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(2):23-27. (In Russ.)

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