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GOODPASTURE'S SYNDROME (сase from clinical practice)


Presented a case of rare pathology Goodpasture's syndrome in a younger patient with a clinical diagnosis polysegmentary bronchopneumonia, chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic sepsis, after clinical and morphological analysis of the case exposed the diagnosis of hemorrhagic pneumo-renal syndrome. Discussed the morphological changes in organs and their relationship to clinical and laboratory and instrumental methods. Show in a concrete example low verification of lifetime diagnostic of this disease.

About the Authors

I. F. Shaliga
Gomel State Medical University

L. A. Martemianova
Gomel State Medical University

O. V. Kanaplianik
Gomel State Medical University


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5. Мостовой, Ю. М. Синдром Гудпасчера / Ю. М. Мостовой, А. В. Демчук // Здоров`я Украiни. - 2008. - № 3/1. - С. 56-57.

6. Богомолов, Д. В. Врачебная ошибка. Нераспознанный в клинике синдром Гудпасчера (наблюдение из практики) / Д. В. Богомолов, И. А. Пешкова, А. Б. Шорников // Биомедицинский журнал Медлайн.Ру. - 2003. - Т. 4. - С. 41.


For citations:

Shaliga I.F., Martemianova L.A., Kanaplianik O.V. GOODPASTURE'S SYNDROME (сase from clinical practice). Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(1):150-154. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
ISSN 2708-6011 (Online)