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The results of the data on 308 cirrhotic patients, deceased in hospital have been analyzed. This research was aimed at the determination of incidence rate and some clinical and epidemiological features of pneumonia in this category of patients. Pneumonia was established to cause complications after cirrhosis in 97 (31,49 % 95 % CI 26,32-36,66) patients deceased in hospital and was the most prevalent infectious concomitant complication in these patients. At the same time, the patients with pneumonia detected sepsis and other infections oftener that the patients without pneumonia. Fatal outcomes occurred in the cirrhotic patients with pneumonia in a shorter period after hospitalization than in the patients without pneumonia. Twenty-four patients were not diagnosed with pneumonia during their lifetime at all. They observed nosocomial forms of the disease. The causative agents of pneumonia in the deceased with liver cirrhosis were microorganisms, which caused illnesses in the hospitalized and immunodeficient patients.

About the Author

D. I. Gavrilenko
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Gavrilenko D.I. PNEUMONIA IN PATIENTS WITH LIVER CIRRHOSIS DECEASED IN HOSPITAL. Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(1):56-61. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2220-0967 (Print)
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