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The application of HBO in patients with acute (infarction of myocardium, instable angina) and chronic forms of ischemic heart disease proved itself to be a safe and effective treatment method, which made it possible to increase survival rate from 90,4 % in the control group up to 97,1 % in the main group by the results of the five-year retrospective study, р = 0,001. The maximum efficacy of HBO in «small» doses of hyperoxia was observed in patients with acute and chronic forms of CHD when coronary revascularization was impossible, which revealed an increase in the survival rate from 88,7 % in the control group to 96.3% in the main group, p = 0,004.

About the Author

D. P. Salivonchyk
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Salivonchyk D.P. NONPHARMACOLOGICAL THERAPY OF CORONARY HEART DISEASE: THE ROLE AND PLACE OF HYPERBARIC OXYGENATION (literature review). Health and Ecology Issues. 2012;(1):27-36. (In Russ.)

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