Mmendations for its improvement. Materials and methods: 220 patients who had appealed to clinics and therapeutic departments of Gomel hospitals were involved into the questionnaire poll. Of them, the most were women (51,4 %), and 48,6 % were men. 86,4 % made up urban citizens and 13,6 % were rural. The data were collected by means of questionnaires, conducted by a house-to-house poll. Results: According to the data of the conducted public opinion poll, 48 % of the respondents appealed to the polyclinics with acute illness and only 23 % with chronic ones. It should be noted that only 14 % respondents attended the polyclinic for prophylactic medical examination and only 6 % for mass health examination. Nearly half of respondents (46,8 %) said that they preferred to dispense with medical aid and with the first symptoms of the illness were engaged in self-treatment, 13,6 % called an ambulance team and only 37,7 % appealed to the polyclinic. 42,7 % of the respondents were under dispensary medical observation. The respondents mentioned the following main causes of dissatisfaction with medical care as «lack of desired results» (54,1 %), «inconvenient schedule of specialists (16,4 %), «inadequate qualification level of specialists» (10,5 %), «improper treatment of specialists» (12,3 %) and 6,8 % mentioned other causes. 29,1 % of the respondents positively assessed the changes in the organization of medical care over the past 2-3 years, 10 % believed that the situation had worsened, 60,9 % noted that it had not changed, and only 21,8 % of the respondents regarded that the examination in the polyclinic corresponded to the up-to-date level, 22,3 % believed that it did not meet the requirements and 46,8 % noted that it fell short of the adequate extent. 67,3 % of the respondents reported that along with prescription of medical drugs they had received from the attending physician also the guidelines for the disease prevention and correction of risk factors, and only 58,2 % of the respondents were informed by the physician about their risk factors for disease development. Conclusion: The carried out survey showed that the patients who appealed for medical aid to the polyclinic had a number of remarks on the quality of their treatment. The negative moments they described were as follows: queues, poor access to the care of narrow specialists, inattentive attitude of the physicians, cases of maltreatment from the staff of polyclinics, lack of necessary specialists. This led to the fact that sometimes, when patients developed a disease or their condition became aggravated they preferred not to appeal to the polyclinic. According to the poll results one can conclude that health care providers prefer to give treatment but not to prevent an illness. This should be considered when guiding health care organizations to achieve the «consumer» satisfaction with health services.