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Objectives: to study the effect of the level of sex hormones on the compensation of diabetes mellitus I in women with regular or irregular menstrual cycle. Materials and Methods. 155 women with diabetes mellitus I were examined. The main group included 117 women with regular menstrual cycle (RMC) and 38 women with menstrual irregularities (IMC). The first group was divided into two subgroups depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle at the time of the study. The first subgroup was at the folliculin phase of RMC (n = 40), the second subgroup was at the lutein phase of RMC (n = 77). The comprehensive survey consisted of questionnaires, clinical anamnestic, functional diagnostic study and laboratory biochemical studies. The statistical analysis of the material was performed with the application of Statistica program 6.0 for Windows. Results. The women with IMC detected a lower body mass index and increased insulin requirements at the expense of short-acting insulin (p < 0,05). The level of HbA1C, the average level of glucose in the interstitial fluid and the maximum level of glucose in the interstitial fluid in IMC were reliably higher than those in RMC (P < 0,05). The estradiol, progesterone and FSH levels in the women with IMC were significantly lower (p < 0,05) than those in the women with RMC. Hyperglycemia in IMC causes a reduction of DHEA-S level. Conclusion. The low compensation level of diabetes mellitus I exerts a negative effect on the regularity of the menstrual cycle in women. The estradiol, progesterone and FSH levels in the women with IMC were significantly lower than in the women with RMC. Hyperglycemia in IMC causes a reduction of DHEA-S level.
About the Authors
S. M. Yakovets
Gomel State Medical University
E. S. Makhlina
Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Gomel
M. G. Rusalenko
Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology, Gomel
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