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The present study is dedicated to the timely problem of the decay acceleration of beta-lactam antibiotics under the impact of human blood. It was shown that blood serum was characterized by a certain level of beta-lactamase activity in all patients and healthy individuals. The highest level of this activity was observed in practically healthy servicemen, and this activity was the lowest in patients with bacterial meningitis. The activity of serum beta-lactamase in young and healthy persons was considerably higher than in the individuals with health troubles; in turn, this activity decreased in the patients alongside with the intensification of the severity and duration of the illness; thus, the low level of serum beta-lactamase activity may serve as a reliable (p < 0,001) independent prognostic factor for the severe and/or propagated course of infectious diseases. The beta-lactamase activity of blood serum was not a response of the organism towards the exposure of beta-lactam antibiotics. The high level of serum beta-lactamase activity in the patients with severe ilnesses was associated with the considerable duration of etiotropic therapy and frequent replacement of the schemes of antibacterial treatment.

About the Authors

I. V. Zhyltsov
Vitebsk State Medical University

I. S. Veremey
Vitebsk State Medical University

V. M. Semionov
Vitebsk State Medical University

I. I. Generalov
Vitebsk State Medical University

S. K. Yegorov
Vitebsk State Medical University


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For citations:

Zhyltsov I.V., Veremey I.S., Semionov V.M., Generalov I.I., Yegorov S.K. CLINICAL FEATURES OF BETA-LACTAMASE ACTIVITY OF HUMAN BLOOD SERUM. Health and Ecology Issues. 2011;(3):35-39. (In Russ.)

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