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The present work is dedicated to the important problem of the impact which the factors of human blood serum exert on beta-lactams. It has been shown that human serum albumin (HSA) accelerates hydrolysis of four beta-lactams (namely, benzylpenicillin (BP), cefalexin, aztreonam and imipenem). This acceleration becomes more statistically intensive and stipulates the additional decay of 7,5 per cent BP, 10,8 per cent cefalexin, 2,3 per cent aztreonam and 11,9 per cent imipenem by the sixth hour of incubation at a temperature of 37 °С. Meanwhile, the state of the kinetic curves of BP, cefalexin and imipenem after their decay caused by human blood serum is typical for the first-order enzymatic reactions, and aztreonam - for zero order. The increase of the incubation temperature from 37 to 39 °С leads to the fourteen-percent accelerated decay of albumin-catalyzed imipenem, and that of cefalexin - by 15,7 %. The beta-lactam antibiotics that are not destroyed by HSA cannot be degraded by the whole blood serum. If a beta-lactam antibiotic is capable of being hydrolyzed by HSA, native blood serum may show much higher beta-lactamase activity (above 30 % of additional decay for BP) than any purified HSA preparations of any origin in concentrations that are normal for human blood serum. Thus, human blood serum can destroy some beta-lactam antibiotics that are widely used in health care, which presents a definite clinical importance.

About the Authors

I. V. Zhyltsov
Vitebsk State Medical University

D. V. Moiseyev
Vitebsk State Medical University

V. M. Semionov
Vitebsk State Medical University

S. K. Yegorov
Vitebsk State Medical University


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For citations:

Zhyltsov I.V., Moiseyev D.V., Semionov V.M., Yegorov S.K. DECAY OF BETA-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS UNDER THE IMPACT OF NATIVE BLOOD SERUM AND HUMAN SERUM ALBUMIN. Health and Ecology Issues. 2011;(3):31-35. (In Russ.)

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