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The edge vessel along the left flank of the colon has been examined on fifty preparations of the left half of colon and rectum by means of barium suspension pouring, X-Ray examinations and anatomical preparations. It has been revealed that Reolan’s arc was contracted up to 1-1,3 mm in 22 % cases, anastomose between the left colon and first sigmoid flexure was contracted up to 0,5 mm in 2 % cases, anastomose between sigmoid vessels was absent in 4 % cases it was contracted up to 0,3 mm in 2 % cases, the anastomose between first-second sigmoid vessels was absent in 4% and was contracted up to 0,3 mm in 2 % of cases. The edge vessels between second-third sigmoid vessels were absent in 16 %, between sigmoid arteries 3-4 were absent in 32 %, between sigmoid vessels 4-5 were absent in 6 cases out 7. Due to the absence of the anastomose rohile necrosis may occur in descending sigmoid intestine lower the place where the rohere anastomose was absent. In such cases it is necessary to perform the revascularization of the sigmoid flexure.

About the Authors

V. S. Krot
Gomel Regional Specialized Clinical Hospital

A. F. Ryliuk


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For citations:

Krot V.S., Ryliuk A.F. CAUSES OF NECROSIS IN OPERATIONS WITH DESCENDING SIGMOID INTESTINE. Health and Ecology Issues. 2011;(2):55-60. (In Russ.)

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