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The analysis of the late publications is evidence of the tendency to the rising rectal cancer incidence in the whole world. According to the data of World Health Organization every year more than 500 thousand cases of this disease are registered in the world. In the structure of oncologic incidence rate rectal cancer takes the second-third place in both men and women and goes second among the oncopathology death reasons in the majority of economically developed countries. The adenomatous polypi are known to develop the majority of rectal neoplasms. The chain «adenoma - cancer» has been proved by numerous researches and though not every adenoma tranforms into cancer, this is possible in a considerable number of the present neoplasms. In connection with this, the endoscopic diagnosis and ablation of adenomatous polypi of rectum and large intestine are effective methods of rectal cancer prophylaxis.

About the Authors

A. D. Borsuk
Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology

E. G. Malaeva
Gomel State Medical University


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For citations:

Borsuk A.D., Malaeva E.G. TACTICS OF CARE AFTER PATIENTS WITH RECTAL POLYPI. Health and Ecology Issues. 2011;(1):76-80. (In Russ.)

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