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This is a review of the publications devoted to the techniques of brachial plexus nerve block anesthesia conducted under ultrasound control. There is a certain gap in the knowledge about the usage of ultrasound control for this kind of block anesthesia and this often leads to complications invoked after the mentioned manipulation.

About the Authors

S. V. Svistunov
Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital

A. M. Yurkovskiy
Gomel State Medical University


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3. Бубнов, Р. В. Основные принципы проведения регионарной анестезии под ультразвуковым контролем / Р. В. Бубнов, Р. Я. Абдулаев // Международный медицинский журнал. - 2010. - № 2. - С. 76-79.

4. La Grange, P. Application of the Doppler ultrasound blood-flow detector in supraclavicular brachial plexus block / P. La Grange, P. A. Foster, L. K. Pretorius // Br. J. Anaesth. - 1978. - Vol. 50. - P. 965-697.

5. Abramowitz, H. B. Use of Doppler for difficult axillary block / H. B. Abramowitz, C. H. Cohen // Anesthesiology. - 1981. - Vol. 55. - Р. 603.

6. Ting, P. L. Ultrasonographic study of the spread of local anaesthetic during axillary brachial plexus block / P. L. Ting, V. Sivagnanaratnam // Br. J. Anaesth. - 1989. - Vol. 63. - Р. 326-329.

7. Ultrasound guided supraclavicular approach for regional anesthesia of the brachial plexus / S. Kapral [et al.] // Anesth. Analg. - 1994. - Vol. 78. - Р. 507-513.

8. Güzeldemir, M. E. Ultrasonographic guidance in placing a catheter for continuous axillary brachial plexus block / M. E. Güzeldemir, B. Üstünsöz // Anesth. Analg. - 1995. - Vol. 81. - Р. 882-891.

9. Sheppard, D. G. Brachial plexus: demonstration at US / D. G. Sheppard, B.I. Revathy, M.J. Fenstermacher // Radiology. - 1998. - Vol. 208. - Р. 402-406.

10. Yang, W. T. Anatomy of the normal brachial plexus revealed by sonography and the role of sonographic guidance in anesthesia of the brachial plexus / W. T. Yang, P. T. Chui, C. Metreweli // Am. J. Roentgenol. - 1998. - Vol. 171. - Р.1631-1636.

11. Helayel, P. E. Bloqueios nervosos guiados por ultra-som / P. E. Helayel, D. B. Conceição, G. R. Oliveira Filho // Rev. Bras. Anestesiol. - 2007. - Vol. 57, № 1. - Р. 106-123.

12. Салтыкова, В. Г. Нормальная эхографическая картина периферических нервов / В. Г. Салтыкова // Ультразвуковая и функциональная диагностика. - 2007. - № 3. - С. 74-81.

13. Салтыкова, В. Г. Блокада плечевого сплетения и его ветвей под ультразвуковым контролем / В. Г. Салтыкова, В. В. Митьков, С. Э. Мустаева // Ультразвуковая и функциональная диагностика. - 2010. - № 2. - С. 64-74.

14. Peer, S. High Resolution Sonography of the Peripheral Nervous System / S. Peer, G. Bodner. - Berlin: Springer, 2008. - 136 p.

15. Marhofer, P. Ultrasound guidance in regional anaesthesia / Р. Marhofer, М. Greher, S. Kapral // Br J Anaesth. - 2005. - Vol. 94. - Р. 7-17.

16. McNaught, A. Posterior interscalene block: an ultrasound-guided case series and overview of history, anatomy and techniques / А. McNaught, Р. McHardy, I. T. Awad // Pain Res Manag. - 2010. - Vol. 15, № 4. - Р. 219-223.

17. Kilka, H. G. Infraclavicular vertical brachial plexus blockade. A new method for anesthesia of the upper extremity. An anatomical and clinical study / H. G. Kilka, Р. Geiger, H. H. Merhkens // Anaesthesist. - 1995. - Vol. 44. - Р. 339-344.

18. Ootaki, C. Ultrasound-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block: An alternative technique to anatomical landmark guided approaches / С. Ootaki, Н. Hayashi, М. Amano // Reg Anesth Pain Med. - 2000. - Vol. 25. - Р. 600-604.

19. Ultrasonographic assessment of topographic anatomy in volunteers suggests a modification of the infraclavicular vertical plexus block / М. Greher [et al.] // Br J Anaesth. - 2002. - Vol. 88. - Р. 632-636.

20. Arcand, G. Ultrasound-guided infraclavicular versus supraclavicular block / G. Arcand // Anesth. Analg. - 2005. - Vol. 101. - Р. 886-890.

21. Ultrasound guidance speeds execution and improves the quality of supraclavicular block / S.R. Williams [et al.] // Anesth. Analg. - 2003. - Vol. 97. - Р. 1518-1523.

22. Chin, K. J. Anomalous brachial plexus anatomy in the supraclavicular region detected by ultrasound / K. J. Chin, А. Niazi, V. W. Chan // Anesth. Analg. - 2008. - Vol. 107. - Р. 729-731.

23. Orebaugh, S. L. Brachial plexus anatomy: normal and variant / S. L. Orebaugh, B. A. Williams // Scientific World J. - 2009. - Vol. 289. - Р. 300-312.

24. Peterson, M. K. Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks / M. K. Peterson, F. A. Millar, D. G. Sheppard // Br. J. Anaesth. - 2002. - Vol. 88. - Р. 621-624.

25. Sandhu, N. S. Feasibility of an infraclavicular block with a reduced volume of lidocaine with sonographic guidance / N. S. Sandhu, C. S. Bahniwal, L. M. Capan // J. Ultrasound Med. - 2006. - Vol. 25. - Р. 51-56.

26. Schafhalter-Zoppoth, I. Inadvertent femoral nerve impalement and intraneural injection visualized by ultrasound / I. Schafhalter-Zoppoth, I. D. Zeitz, A. T. Gray // Anesth. Analg. - 2004. - Vol. 99. - Р. 627-628.

27. Complication during ultrasound-guided regional block: accidental intravascular injection of local anesthetic / С. Loubert [et al.] // Anesthesiology. - 2008. - Vol. 108. -Р. 759-760.

28. Early detection of intravascular injection during ultrasound-guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block / T. R. VadeBoncouer [et al.] // Reg. Anesth. Pain. Med. - 2008. - Vol. 33. - Р. 278-279.

29. Macfarlane, A. Ultrasound guided supraclavicular block / А. Macfarlane, R. Brull // J. The New York School of Regional Anesthesia. - 2009. - Vol. 12. - Р. 6-10.


For citations:

Svistunov S.V., Yurkovskiy A.M. ULTRASOUND CONTROL IN BRACHIAL PLEXUS BLOCK ANESTHESIA (literature review). Health and Ecology Issues. 2011;(1):26-29. (In Russ.)

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